Terms of service

You may visit the Site without registration. However, you need to register an account on MIHOLL and provide relevant personal information on the registration webpage to access more Services. You can delete or suspend your account under the instructions of the Site, and we will keep or delete your account based on this Agreement.

You hereby commit and undertake the following:


  • You understand and agree that the Site is an application service product. You shall take full responsibility for the authenticity, legality, accuracy, and validity of your registration information. You shall also be responsible for updating your registration information to keep it current. You shall not post any information in the name of others or use registered accounts maliciously; otherwise, we reserve the right to suspend Services, and you shall fully bear all legal liability. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for any claims or loss arising from your actions.
  • You shall use the Site and Services in accordance with all applicable laws and take full responsibility for activities under your registered accounts, including your statements and any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly arise from your statements. You should assess the risks of the content on your own and take full responsibility, including the risk of the correctness, integrity, or practicability of the content. MIHOLL will not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from this behavior or activity.
  • You have an obligation to protect your registration information on the Site and are responsible for all activities that occur under your account. You must immediately notify MIHOLL if you find any illegal or unauthorized activities. MIHOLL will not be liable for damages or losses arising from a user’s non-compliance with any of the above provisions.
All your statements on the Site are public information accessible by any third party. Any statement posted on the Site will be deemed public information, and you should bear legal liability for this action. If you do not want any third party to access your statements, please do not post them on the Site.
You shall also understand and hereby acknowledge the following:
  • The user accepts that, in relation to business development, MIHOLL may change, suspend, restrict, terminate, or revoke the rights to our services at any time without notice.
  • MIHOLL may include advertisements, etc. You agree to the display of advertisements and other events from us or our related parties or cooperators while enjoying our Services.
  • At our sole discretion, we have the right to suspend any content that violates the laws and regulations in any jurisdiction or the terms of this Agreement, infringes, prejudices, threatens any right or safety, or impersonates others. We also retain the right to take proper legal actions, including but not limited to removing any illegal or infringing content, suspending the qualification of violators, saving relative information, and reporting to relevant authorities based on the applicable laws and regulations.
  • Some of our Services have to be used with other networks, including but not limited to the application market and the theme market. You shall bear all related communication fees or fees from any third-party service providers. We strongly advise you to contact your providers for related fees if there are value-added services involved in your activities.

All information provided by you will be governed by the terms of the Privacy Policy. The terms of the Privacy Policy form part of this Agreement and will be binding on you at all times.

User Content refers to all the content (your information, pictures, music, or others) resulting from downloads, releases, or other activities through the Site and MIHOLL Service. You are solely responsible for such content and bear all risks that result from your disclosure of such User Content. Once you upload, release, or engage in activities through the Site and MIHOLL Services, you automatically grant to MIHOLL an irrevocable, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferable, and royalty-free global license to provide you with MIHOLL products and services or for the purposes of improving MIHOLL products and services through our use of User Content. We may also copy, publish, display, create derivative works and/or use it with other works, or use your user account (except for your personal information) in other ways, and you authorize us the transferable permission for the preceding subject matter. We will copy and publish your content and personal information only to designated receivers. You agree that you irrevocably waive any and all ownership, legal, and moral rights to your User Content.

You have the right to use the Site legally. You have the right to upload, download, install, and use MIHOLL products and services on mobile communication devices. You have the right to change and remove personal information, registered information, and any content posted. Please note that you have to take the risk that any pictures or words saved in the system might also be deleted when you remove related information. You are responsible for the safety of your account information and password and should bear legal liability for activities under registered accounts. You agree not to use the passwords and accounts of others under any circumstances. You agree to immediately notify MIHOLL once you suspect others are using your password or account.

You shall not sell, lease, transfer, release, or make other commercial use of the content from the Site or MIHOLL products and services (including but not limited to the content, advertisements, or sponsored content). You shall not visit the Site or use MIHOLLServices to establish similar or competitive services. Unless expressly prescribed by law, you shall not copy, publish, download, change, translate, merge, decompose, paste, or decompile any part of the Site or MIHOLL Services (including but not limited to the content, advertisements, or sponsored content) in any manner. You agree to bear all the risks and take full legal liability for the following activities while using the Site or Services:
  • Opposing the basic principles determined in the applicable Constitution and other regulations;
  • Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting the government, and undermining national unity;
  • Harming national honor and interests;
  • Inciting ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination and undermining national unity;
  • Undermining national religious policy, promoting cults and superstitions;
  • Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, undermining social stability;
  • Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, or instigating others to commit crimes;
  • Insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the legal rights and interests of others;
  • All other content prohibited by the administrative regulations and laws.
You shall not use the Site or MIHOLL Services to engage in any behavior or activity stated below:
  • Upload or release viruses, worms, and malware to damage or change computer systems or data;
  • Collect the information or data of other users, such as email addresses, without authorization;
  • Disable the network connection of the Site, cause the Site to over-handle, interrupt, or undermine the website server and connection in other ways;
  • Interrupt or undermine other users' normal use of the MIHOLL Services.
You understand and agree that our services are based on technical support from third parties such as Android, etc. You understand and consent that we may provide some of your personal data to such third parties in the course of receiving technical or any other support from them. User Content means the content that is downloaded, released, or generated while using the Site and MIHOLL products and services by users. You have to take legal responsibility for content disclosure caused by you. When you visit a third party's website and advertisement, the third party’s terms and policies apply. You will bear all risks and legal responsibility when you use a third party’s services. The Site and MIHOLL products and services include content provided by other users, and the interaction between you and other users only belongs to you and other users. MIHOLL does not control such User Content, bear legal liability, or own the obligations to check, monitor, examine, and approve such User Content. You thus bear legal liability for the risks of such interaction.
You agree to use the Site or Services harmlessly and help MIHOLL avoid bearing any lawsuit, complaint, loss, damage, responsibility, cost, and fees (including but not limited to counsel fees) from any third party caused by the use of the Site or Services, your user content, and your violation of this Agreement. MIHOLL reserves the exclusive right to defend and the right to claim compensation. User Content refers to all the content (your information, pictures, music, or others) resulting from downloads, releases, or other activities through the Site and MIHOLL Services. You are solely responsible for such content and bear all the risks resulting from your disclosing user content. You will not unilaterally reconcile when you and MIHOLL jointly file a lawsuit against any third party without written consent from MIHOLL . MIHOLL will reasonably notify you of such lawsuits or actions at law. Under no circumstances will MIHOLL bear any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, exceptional, or punitive compensation resulting from this Agreement. You bear all the risks of using the computer system and mobile database through the Site or Services.